The New Update

I know that I stopped mailing out my updates over a year ago. I guess I got lazy. This is my attempt to bring it back with a modern twist.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Enjoying Michael's time off.

Michael took this whole week between Christmas and New Years off.  It's so nice having him relaxed and not stressed out.  I wish he could do this more often.

I have to say this was the best Christmas yet.  We stayed in our PJ's all day, played with the girls, watched movies and relaxed.  No stress.  I didn't clean anything up until Monday.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One more day!

One more day of school.  Tonight I have to make gingerbread men for Karly's class party and chili for the employee luncheon.  I have got a very busy evening ahead of me and then it's smooth sailing through the holidays. 

Kassidy's teacher announced that she wasn't going to come back after the break.  She wants to be a stay at home to her new baby.  Kassidy took it pretty hard.  I am not sure how the rest of the year will turn out but I am praying Kas will be okay.

I got to teach art in Karly's class today.  I think I managed to spread glitter throughout the whole school.  I am sure the janitor loves me.  Karly did a great job.  It was a difficult project but she was one of the first kids done and it looked pretty good.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Getting old and making Christmas

The other day I sat down cross legged for about 2 hours while I watched movies and wrapped presents.  By the time I got up I thought I might need a double hip replacement.  My hips have been cracking, popping, and a bit painful ever since.  The next day I did Pilate's hoping to get back some of the flexibility from my youth.  I decided then and there I need to stretch more.  I do not want to come stiff and sore every time I sit down.
The Christmas count down is on.  Hyper mode has already set in.  The girls are getting wound up more and more every day.  They are already having a hard time falling asleep.  The amount of candy they are bringing home from school and every other function is frightening.  They talk non stop about presents, parties, candy and more presents.  I remember getting so excited that I would make myself sick.  I still get sick but only from eating too much indulgent food. 
I can proudly say that I am just about ready for Christmas to happen.  Only a few more things to wrap and lots of yummy goodies to make.  We have a few more parties and then we will be celebrating a new year.  I really do love this time of year.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A night of culture.

We took the girls to see the lights on temple square this evening.  The weather was very nice and we went early enough so it wasn't crowded.  My favorite tree wasn't covered in red lights this year.  Oh, well.  It was still amazing.  I think my second favorite are the trees covered in orange lights.

After walking around a bit we went to Hatches for their famous hot chocolate.  I swear I have never tasted any better in my life. 

To finish up the evening we attended a Gospel Choir Concert in the Grand Theater in Salt Lake.  They sang the Messiah like I have never heard it before.  A very soulful jazzed up version.  Kassidy was bored but Karly couldn't get enough.  She was singing, dancing and clapping with the best of them.  She was actually sad when it ended.  I have to say my hands hurt when it was over.  I think if I ever went to a church that had that kind of music I would have to develop callouses on my hands from all the clapping.  My friend Michelle is in the choir and she did a great job.  She is in two different choirs.  I asked her what she was going to join next so I could continue my cultural education in the performing arts.

All for now,

Krystal J. Anderson

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hallelujah!!!! The fence guys came and finished our fence. I didn't think they would come until spring because of the snow. Again, gotta love the hard core Utahan's that don't let snow get in their way. They dug out the snow so they could put up the fence. For the first time ever I let Teebo out and he couldn't bolt. He now has a great place to run around. I am so happy.

Yesterday at the library we saw my Mom's book called On the Jericho Road on the new books shelf. Kassidy and I got all excited. It's fun seeing her books in public.

This aftenoon I got to help decorate the Elementary school's Christmas tree. Now mine looks drab and dull. I am going to have to do something about it pronto.

I went grocery shopping at Winco Foods today. It's like a bigger Food 4 Less. I remembered why I don't like shopping there as I was bagging my own groceries. It's worth a few extra dollers to have them bagged and loaded for you.

That's all for now.