The New Update

I know that I stopped mailing out my updates over a year ago. I guess I got lazy. This is my attempt to bring it back with a modern twist.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Here We Go Again

It was so nice having Monday off.  The girls and I had our traditional holiday lunch of fries and ice cream.  We cleaned up the house a little and had some friends over to play.  Now it's the Tuesday Monday where our week really begins.  I am not loving the morning routine but that's okay.  I am excited to start working with the kiln this week a school.  I have some pinch pots ready to get fired up.  May the week be filled with positive energy and good things.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I love love.

Yesterday I got to run Karly's class Valentines party.  It was so much fun.  I love all the holidays but especially the ones that focus on the color red. :)  I really love the month of February because of Valentines Day, Kassidy's birthday, Our anniversary and our parents anniversary.  Many reasons to celebrate! 

Kassidy had her little heart broken yesterday.  Somebody told a boy that she liked him and he said EWWWWWWWW!  She did really like him but doesn't now because he had such a horrible reaction to it all.  Fortunately she had the will to continue on with her life and got up and went to school again anyway.

Karly had the opposite happen, she told me "Jace really likes me Mom because he is soooooo mean to me and we all know what that means." She also got a Tron Valentine from him with a pencil in it and he knows how much she needs pencils.

Michael sent me some beautiful flowers.  He also agreed to taking over paying the bills again.  That is the best present of all. :)


Sunday, February 13, 2011


It's 2:46 a.m. and I can't sleep.  I ate bad today and my stomach isn't very happy about it.  I hate wasting time so I thought I would do something.... 
Michael and I had a very nice date this evening.  We had a very sweet neighbor girl come and watch our girls so that we could go out to dinner and a dance.  It was so nice spending time alone with Michael.  It's easy to remember why I love him so much.  We got all dressed up and really enjoyed dancing together.  The band was a little old school but we enjoyed ourselves anyway.
I forgot to get Teebo his dog treats today.  I hate it when I think I something I need to do in the middle of the night.  Well, I guess I will go read now. Or I could go get dog treats?  Nah, to cold.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Going, Going, Gone!

I woke up so happy and full of energy it's now noonish and it's gone.  Oh well, I am going to study Spanish a bit and see if I can recoup some of that energy so I can do some other projects today.  Karly is supposed to do a talent tonight for Girl Scouts.  I guess we will have to come up with something quickly after school.  The Roberts Craft in Jordan Landing is going out of business.  I hear everything is 75% off I need to swing over there and find some wire for the school art project next week.  We are making Mobiles in the style of Alexander Calder. 
Michael is in Florida this week.  I am so jealous because we have snow, snow, and more snow here.  Actually the sun is out now but there is still way too much snow.  I actually think I hate snow.  I was out shoveling the driveway this morning and I think I pulled a funky muscle in my back.  More reasons to hate snow!!!!!! 
Michael I am mad at you because you threw away my Sunday Newspaper and I had to dig them out of the big trash can and I almost fell in because one was clear at the bottom!  Okay, I am really not mad I know you were busy this weekend so I will let it go........This Time.......
Kassidy turned 11 yesterday.  Karly and I took her out to Olive Garden for dinner.  The servers sang Happy Birthday to her and it sounded terrible.  At least we all had a good laugh at their attempt.  Kassidy is really such a cute pie.  She has come such a long way.  It's fun watching her grow into this beautiful young lady.  I love her so dearly.  (Yes Karly I love you so dearly too)
All for now

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Decorating with Kas

Tomorrow after school we will be having a friend party for Kassidy's 11th birthday.  It's crazy to me that my baby is growing up so quickly.  Her favorite color these days is orange so our walls and ceiling are covered with orange balloons and streamers.  She wanted to help me decorate tonight before her friends came home from school with her tomorrow.  I was going to surprise her but if she wants to help me I thought why not?  Less work for me.  I love parties.  I get just as excited as they do.  I am happy I have girls who love to celebrate. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I lied

Late in the afternoon I pooped out and didn't clean up the main floor yesterday so I woke up this morning with a total mind set to really clean the house.  I haven't cleaned like this for a long time.  The house has really needed some attention that I just haven't wanted to give it.  I still have a bit to do but I think my hubby will be shocked to find the house so clean.  I used to be such a clean freak.  I still am to some degree but having medical issues has humbled me a bit.  I have to ration out my energy more so other things get ignored.  I am finally getting to the point where I am okay with that.  If anyone wants to visit me this evening would be great so you can see a clean house. :)

Kassidy has turned out to be quite the little runner.  Michael took her running again at the Olympic oval.  She ran three miles and he admitted that she was just as fast as he was if not a bit faster.  She actually got into the zone and ran effortlessly.  I am so excited and proud of her.  I was so not athletic and such a wimp when it came to sports and exercise at her age.  I still hate to play sports but I would be thrilled to see one of my children get into any sport and would proudly support them at any race/game/activity they want to participate in.

Karly is still struggling with her little health issues.  We have her on a good plan and are hoping to see improvements over the next few months.  She is preparing herself to get baptized in Aug.  I have never seen a child so excited about it.  She has set up little goals to pray and read scriptures every day.  She is also becoming quite the little know it all.  Yesterday she reminded me how to curl ribbon (Yes Mom I forgot what you showed me.)  Karly figured it all out by herself and proceeded to show me how to do it.  She told me it should feel like peeling a potato.  :)

Michael has submitted his first bid with his new business.  We have no idea whether or not he will get it but I can see the light in his eyes at having his own business.  I can tell he will pursue it regardless of the outcome of this first bid.  It's fun seeing him so happy.  I have to admit I will be happy too if the business is a success because he promised to by me a winter home somewhere warm. :)  I may be the youngest snow bird yet. :)

Okay, I think I have rested enough now to go finish my cleaning.  That's all for now.
