The New Update

I know that I stopped mailing out my updates over a year ago. I guess I got lazy. This is my attempt to bring it back with a modern twist.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Rainy Days

I have to say I am anxious for Summer.  I really, truly detest winter.  I don't belong to it and it doesn't belong to me.  I find myself wanting to move to a warm place.  Going to Hawaii only made me feel it more.  I can state here and now that I will not live here and die in the cold.  I am not sure when or how but I WILL move to a warm place.  That being said I am glad that the signs of spring are popping up.  I am anxious for sunny blue skies.  I know April Showers Bring May Flowers so I will put up with it as long the temp stays high.  No more snow!!!!  Do you hear me mother nature?

We have a busy week ahead filled with Girl Scout, Soccer, parties and Spring Break.  I am always happy to have the girls home for a few days so we can sleep in (they sleep in and I get the morning to myself)  I also really enjoy the Easter Holiday and spending precious time with family.  I hope you all have a wonderful Easter Weekend.

Krystal J. Anderson

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I have been back just over a week from my wonderful vacation to Hawaii.  Michael took care of the girls while I went to Hawaii and stayed with a friend.  I haven't been that relaxed in years.  I got to do so many fun things and see so many beautiful places I feel completely rejuvinated.  I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to go and that Michael was able to hold down the fort here. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Solo Mio

Michael has been gone pretty much the whole week.  Don't worry, I am fine.  I always am. :)  The girls have been the girls.  Never a dull moment over here.  I am always glad when Michael is around to do his part with them because frankly they wear me out. :)

Yesterday I ate horribly.  I haven't eaten that bad since Christmas.  Late at night I had the girls take a run with me.  I know it won't make up for all that I ate but it still made my mind feel a little better.

The girls have had friends over at the house almost every day this week and all weekend.  I am glad they want to bring their friends over here because I can keep an eye on them.  Actually they spent most of the weekend outside.  The weather has been surprisingly lovely the last few days.  I hear it is all to change this evening when a cold front/snow storm moves in.  It was nice while it lasted.  It gave me a renewed hope for spring to come.  Please come and come early!!!!!! 

Michael started back up in the Air Force Reserves.  I think he is really enjoying having his connection back in the military. I must say he looks pretty dang cute in that uniform.

Kassidy wants to sign up for Spring Soccer.  I need to figure out where and who to sign her up with.  I am happy she wants to get involved with something again.

Karly wants to sign up with gymnastics. As soon as some of her health issues are resolved we will do it.  I really wanted her to be in ballet but I can't make her live my dream for her.  I do hope that one of my girls will be come insanely rich like this Justin Bieber they so admire.  That way I am sure to finally get my beach house. 

All for now

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Here We Go Again

It was so nice having Monday off.  The girls and I had our traditional holiday lunch of fries and ice cream.  We cleaned up the house a little and had some friends over to play.  Now it's the Tuesday Monday where our week really begins.  I am not loving the morning routine but that's okay.  I am excited to start working with the kiln this week a school.  I have some pinch pots ready to get fired up.  May the week be filled with positive energy and good things.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I love love.

Yesterday I got to run Karly's class Valentines party.  It was so much fun.  I love all the holidays but especially the ones that focus on the color red. :)  I really love the month of February because of Valentines Day, Kassidy's birthday, Our anniversary and our parents anniversary.  Many reasons to celebrate! 

Kassidy had her little heart broken yesterday.  Somebody told a boy that she liked him and he said EWWWWWWWW!  She did really like him but doesn't now because he had such a horrible reaction to it all.  Fortunately she had the will to continue on with her life and got up and went to school again anyway.

Karly had the opposite happen, she told me "Jace really likes me Mom because he is soooooo mean to me and we all know what that means." She also got a Tron Valentine from him with a pencil in it and he knows how much she needs pencils.

Michael sent me some beautiful flowers.  He also agreed to taking over paying the bills again.  That is the best present of all. :)


Sunday, February 13, 2011


It's 2:46 a.m. and I can't sleep.  I ate bad today and my stomach isn't very happy about it.  I hate wasting time so I thought I would do something.... 
Michael and I had a very nice date this evening.  We had a very sweet neighbor girl come and watch our girls so that we could go out to dinner and a dance.  It was so nice spending time alone with Michael.  It's easy to remember why I love him so much.  We got all dressed up and really enjoyed dancing together.  The band was a little old school but we enjoyed ourselves anyway.
I forgot to get Teebo his dog treats today.  I hate it when I think I something I need to do in the middle of the night.  Well, I guess I will go read now. Or I could go get dog treats?  Nah, to cold.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Going, Going, Gone!

I woke up so happy and full of energy it's now noonish and it's gone.  Oh well, I am going to study Spanish a bit and see if I can recoup some of that energy so I can do some other projects today.  Karly is supposed to do a talent tonight for Girl Scouts.  I guess we will have to come up with something quickly after school.  The Roberts Craft in Jordan Landing is going out of business.  I hear everything is 75% off I need to swing over there and find some wire for the school art project next week.  We are making Mobiles in the style of Alexander Calder. 
Michael is in Florida this week.  I am so jealous because we have snow, snow, and more snow here.  Actually the sun is out now but there is still way too much snow.  I actually think I hate snow.  I was out shoveling the driveway this morning and I think I pulled a funky muscle in my back.  More reasons to hate snow!!!!!! 
Michael I am mad at you because you threw away my Sunday Newspaper and I had to dig them out of the big trash can and I almost fell in because one was clear at the bottom!  Okay, I am really not mad I know you were busy this weekend so I will let it go........This Time.......
Kassidy turned 11 yesterday.  Karly and I took her out to Olive Garden for dinner.  The servers sang Happy Birthday to her and it sounded terrible.  At least we all had a good laugh at their attempt.  Kassidy is really such a cute pie.  She has come such a long way.  It's fun watching her grow into this beautiful young lady.  I love her so dearly.  (Yes Karly I love you so dearly too)
All for now